Health and nutrition counselling

Let food be your medicine.

Ayurvedic cuisine neither forbids indulgence nor restricts it.  Rather, it pays attention to what is good for your constitution.

What can you expect from me as your personal Ayurvedic nutritionist and health coach?

As an Ayurvedic nutrition and health coach, I am trained in health prevention and the promotion of health and well-being.

Primarily through dietary and lifestyle adjustments, using traditional Ayurvedic principles and practices.

The choices we make every day - when, what, where and how much we eat and drink, whether we exercise or not, whether we sleep too little or too much, whether we maintain a healthy work-life balance, etc. - have a decisive influence on how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

Through a thorough consultation, I develop an understanding of your individual constitution (prakruti) and your current state (vikruti).

Based on this knowledge, I will give you Ayurvedic recommendations for your diet and your daily routine to help you regain your balance. Together we will find out where you can make changes in your life, where you can adjust or optimize your eating habits, where you can build an island of time for yourself in your day. Simple measures can often make a big difference.

You will receive personal recommendations as well as tips and tricks to optimize and strengthen your digestive power and your immune system as well as recommendations on how to reduce stress.

The importance of Ayurveda AND yoga for your life!

Although yoga and Ayurveda are different disciplines, they share a common goal: the promotion of holistic well-being and inner harmony. In combination, these complementary practices provide a powerful framework for cultivating health and vitality at all levels.


I offer help with possible complaints such as:

  • Digestive problems (e.g., bloating, flatulence, constipation)
  • Sleep problems
  • Exhaustion and stress
  • Weight problems with too much or too little weight
  • Restlessness / nervousness
  • Reduced physical strength and fatigue
  • Stiffness
  • Hyperacidity
  • Tips for the menopause

Getting started package: First steps on your health journey

Initial consultation in Küssnacht am Rigi or online approx. 1.5 hrs.

CHF 195.00 (without evaluation, your own notes)

CHF 265.00 (with subsequent evaluation by e-mail)

Follow-up advice and support on site, by telephone or e-mail on request and as required.

Hourly rate CHF 130.00


Beginner Package: Nutrition Counseling One, Two, Three

1st appointment on site or online approx. 90 min.

  • Anamnesis first consultation with general recommendations and immediate tips.
  • Within a week; a detailed analysis of your Ayurvedic constitution (Dosha types) and health needs, including customized dietary recommendations and lifestyle adjustment tips if necessary.

2nd appointment online approx. 30 min. 2 weeks later

  • Can you work with the nutritional recommendations?
  • Do you need further suggestions?

3rd appointment on site or online approx. 30 to 60 min., 1-2 months later

  • What could be implemented? What are the challenges?
  • Has there been an improvement? Are the complaints less?

Total CHF 490.00

I also offer cooking classes where you can learn to cook simple recipes and take ideas home with you.